Gangrel Antitribu Newsletter

V:EKN Clan Gangrel Antitribu Newsletter, June 1998

Gangrel Anti Newsletter Vol1 number 4 June 1st 1998 

More Tales from Legbiterland. Are you sitting comfortably, children? 

A cute and cuddly deck from the fluffiest and biggest-eyed Methuselah on 
the block ..... SORROW!!!! 

More nice games for well-behaved children ... Jyhad variants that borrow 
rules from other neat CCGs. 

The Charming solution to Legbiter's merry Betrayer deck puzzle. 


Eventually of course I was ousted in story1, by David Pontes. Here is the 
decisive turn - some of the story is mine and some is Davidıs. I expect 
you can work out which is which! 

starting pool: 8 
pre-untap: tap the Heidelberg to move 1 blood from Victoria to 
Gilbert. Vicky 4/5, Gilbert 6/7 
Untap: Everything. blood to Iliana 
Master: blood doll on watenda. suck from him and iliana.    I forgot to 
say that I tapped the Frag and discarded a Malk Prank 
and a Telepathic Counter during my master phase 
Minion: Gilbert is too wild tonight. He knows something is going to 
happen. He's too restless to stay in his room. he opens the door. He 
runs like mad (?). He goes back, for no apparent reason. He runs 
forth again. He finally decides to go running off to a ship, sailing 
to Glasgow. Wreck and havoc. Wreck and havoc... 
   Iliana arrives on special flight from Germany. The airport's 
unseen eyes penetrate her primitive disguise of velvet gloves and 
mirrorshades. Fortunately she has Katarina's permission. 
   Strangely enough, someone whose description fits her own was seen 
prawling on the city's harbor. Strange things are happening... 
[Iliana bleeds for 1. If blocked (or not), Gilbert will  play Mask1K for 
+1 stealth, or just to untap Ily] 
More to come... 
haha! Just as I foretold! [no blocks, but Caitlin telepathically counters 
the bleed down by 1]. 
   Allright, Grendel will bleed then! It seems everyone was invited 
to that party... 
Grendel can come to the party, IF he can get by the bouncers [Caitlin DOES 
have rather magnificent breasts, trust me on this one.... this time she 
Hey, you must know your minions... 
   Very well, it's a block. Grendel strikes hands, no press. 
   Next, Victoria bleeds. Then Watenda. 
   Goddamit, one of these days I'm going to develop a split 
personality neurosis. 
   Oh, shut up, David... 
   Ok, Watenda and Victoria don't bleed. After Grendel, Iliana does 
a GtU. 
Caitlin struck hands in the scrap with Grendel, no press. The Renegade 
Garou blocks the GtU. Grrrr .... 
   Grendel at 3/5 
   Snarly runs at the shadow lurking behind the manor. He rakes at 
it, painting the wall with gashes of red. He totally dismembers the 
corpse. He ends up with a perfectly human hand coming out of his mouth. 
Not Iliana's. You can't be a homeless looking for shelter in Glasgow 
anymore, can you? 
   Watenda is unnoticed as he enters thru the windos of the manor. He 
finds his way thru the house, entering the basement. He meets some 
neonates, dancing at a melancholic waltz on the basement. He 
approaches them, looks in their eyes, and madness pours into their minds. 
They each happily take a parcel, wich they knew would grant them 
[Watenda takes the action with sup. Mask1K. If unblocked, Watenda at 1/4. 
You pool:3] 
   Next, as the ravenous Garou digests his victim, he gapes in awe at 
*another* Iliana, this time coming thru the front gate. He burps. 
[Ilyana bleeds again (no, I'm not repeating actions).] 
Snarls STILL thinks Iliana looks like a mail-loving sort of lick .. so he 
blocks again .... 
   He runs at her, eyes red with rage, but suddenly she's no longer 
there! He senses someone else in the vicinity. A Nosferatu? 
[Tusk plays cloak for +1 stealth. If unblocked, you pool: 2, and Tusk 
bleeds. Guess who's tapping the Labirinth...] 
   (I'll haste things up) 
   Snarls-at-postmen can smell that his other enemy wore once a 
leather bag and a hat! He's completelt out of his mind when he sees a 
hideous visage grinning at him from under a sewer grid. 
[your pool: 1] 
   Victoria, the last to come, comes out of her limo (actually a 
Austin Mini) and snobbishly humphfs as she notices the gate guard to be 
trying to dig into some sewer grid. No-one seems to notice her entry, just 
today she dressed up for the occasion. She's tired of being ignored. 
Luckily she has his dear friend Mr. Deadguy, who's always with her, and 
understands. A pity only she can see him. 
   "Well, Mr Deadguy, it seems we're just in time! These people are 
so bored they look like walking dead. Let's cast some fire in their souls, 
shall we?" 
[Victoria bleeds, and plays Cloak. You're dead, Jim?] 
I prefer the term, metabolically challenged, m'self .... 
As Legbiter mansions burns magnificently to the ground, my various minions 
surrender, are slain or most likely disperse to the four corners of 
Scotland, there to lie until called to action by another dark master .... 
me, with my unique discipline of Inconsequential Nonsense [superior, 
natch], I have no trouble in skirting the pathetic attempts of Pontes' 
minions to find me, and legging it over the back wall. Uh-oh. Strong hands 
seize me by the seat of my Undead pants and I find myself raised up and 
looking into the strange blank [not to say, invisible] face of Mr Deadguy! 
"Where are they???" 
"OK, ok, I was just looking for you .. here ..." 
"The Second Knicker of the Nictuku!" 
For a moment Mr Deadguy's hold slackens, and that's all it takes .... when 
he looks again, I am gone .... 
Well played, David! Another 6 pool and another VP .... G'bye Bleu! G'bye 
Biomech! See y'all in the Shadows! 
   Great game you did too! Thanks a lot for being with us, and I'm 
really looking forward for another game with you, Jim! 


I know I said I would do a Commons-only gangrel anti deck this month, but 
I couldnıt resist posting this little gem from Sorrow [Chris Boget]. 
Recently Sorrow has been experimenting with  EXTREMELY vicious 
vampire-destroying combat decks and this is a good example of the way he 
has been thinking. Moreover, since it is largely a gangrel-anti affair it 
is not out of place in this newsletter. 

Caitlin - 5 - ANI PRO aus dom 
Monique - 5 - ani pro for aus 
Luther - 6 - ANI pro for obt 
Pieter - 6 - PRO OBF for tha 
Pieter - 6 - PRO OBF for tha 
Zachary - 7 - PRO OBF CEL for pre 
Samantha - 10 - PRO OBF CEL ani tha - Aggravated Hand Damage 
Samantha - 10 - PRO OBF CEL ani tha - Aggravated Hand Damage 
Roman Alexander - 4 - for ani pro 
Raven - 5 - PRO FOR ani 
Badger - 6 - PRO FOR ani pot 
Zack North - 6 - for ani pot pro - +1 Hand Damage 
Strained Vitae Supply 
Gangrel Conspiricy 
Gangrel Conspiricy 
Gangrel Conspiricy 
Gangrel Conspiricy 
Gangrel Conspiricy 
Gangrel Conspiricy 
Gangrel Conspiricy 
Gangrel Conspiricy 
Slave Auction 
Slave Auction 
The Parthenon 
The Parthenon 
The Parthenon 
The Parthenon 
The Rack 
Zoo Hunting Ground 
Campground Hunting Ground 
Bum's Rush 
Bum's Rush 
Bum's Rush 
Bum's Rush 
Bum's Rush 
Bone Spur 
Bone Spur 
Bone Spur 
Bone Spur 
Bone Spur 
Bone Spur 
Claws of the Dead 
Claws of the Dead 
Claws of the Dead 
Skin of Rock 
Skin of Rock 
Skin of Rock 
Skin of Rock 
Skin of Steel 
Skin of Steel 
Skin of Steel 
Skin of Steel 
Quick Meld 
Quick Meld 
Quick Meld 
Form of the Ghost 
Form of the Ghost 
Drawing out the Beast 
Drawing out the Beast 
Drawing out the Beast 
Drawing out the Beast 
Shadow of the Wolf 
Shadow of the Wolf 
Shadow of the Wolf 
Shadow of the Wolf 
Shadow of the Wolf 
Cat's Guidance 
Cat's Guidance 
Cat's Guidance 
Cat's Guidance 
Guard Dogs 
Guard Dogs 
Guard Dogs 
Computer Hacking 
Computer Hacking 
Computer Hacking 
Raven Spy 
Raven Spy 

Itıs aimed, obviously, at torporising/diablarising  or just straight 
burning your preyıs vamps. Masochism, Gangrel Conspiracy and The Parthenon 
are moderately difficult to get hold of but other than that this is an 
affordable deck as well as a neat concept. To point out that it might 
struggle against really fast decks is not to belittle this one, but merely 
to reemphasise the point that a lone combat deck is always going to be 
short on speed - perhaps this particular deck could be speeded up a little 
by losing the Computer hackings and replacing them with Rutorıs hand. 
Combat decks, ironically, have to be MORE diplomatic than political or 
bleed decks, because somehow or other they have to find ways to be on the 
same table, and then to carve up the VPs to the satisfaction of both, or 
all. Perhaps there is a case for all combat decks to have a minor 
political dimension to ease this process - a few Bribed Dramatic 
Upheavals, for example, with broken Biff-voters like Volker, Rake, Sela 
and Caitlin. 


Richard Garfield designed Jyhad specifically to fix some of the problems 
with Magic, and of course he succeeded brilliantly. However, Jyhad has 
some problems of its own .... for example, the rule book assumes an IQ of 
150+, and the only way to REALLY win reliably is to hit your preyıs pool. 
Even Magic has two ways to win! So, when he designed Netrunner and 
Battletech he brought in more ways to attack your opponent [influenced, 
perhaps, by the excellent Dixie/Eagles CCG wargames] and made the rules 
such that theyıre readily understandable by a bright eight-year-old. 
Concepts from Netrunner and Battletech that might fit into Jyhad include 
the idea of attacking different targets - so that Vampires could bleed you 
of pool, destroy cards in your hand, destroy inactive vampires, or force 
the discard of library  or crypt cards. You would lose by running out of 
pool, or of library or crypt cards. Actions against library or crypt would 
gain +1 stealth. 


Well I don't know. Another month, a basketful of clues, and STILL nobody 
came up with a solution to Legbiterıs challenge to build the Betrayer 
deck. Anyone would think you were all dead or something. Oops. This one is 
actually rather easy! And it is possibly the ONLY deck type whose Crypt is 
larger than its library ...... the key point is that Betrayer stacks and 
each one has to be burnt separately, so with enough of them, and 
recruitment,  you can take your prey for really  large amounts of pool 
every turn without going to the trouble of bleeding or voting against 


ALL the vampires [one copy of each - about 250 vamps]. Plus about 150 
copies of Anson, and 150 copies of Rudolpho Giovanni. 


Masters: About 40 - 4 minion taps, 3 Parthenon, 12 Recruitments and 21 

Actions: 5 Fifth Traditions, 5 Whispers from the Dead.
Political Actions: 7 Rumours of Gehenna, 3 Parity Shifts. 

Action Modifiers: 8 Bribes, 2 Bewitching Oration, 3 Voter Captivation, 7 
Spectral Divination. 

Combat: 10 Majesty. 

Ideally, here is how this deck would work: 

Round 1 - Master is either Recruitment [one of your preyıs vamps] or 
Parthenon. Bring out Rudolpho. 

Round 2 - 1-2 Betrayers on your preyıs vamp. Rudolpho calls a bribed 
rumours of Gehenna. 4 on Anson. 

Round 3 - 1-3 Betrayers on your preyıs vamp. Rudolpho recovers one from 
your ash-heap. Bring out Anson. 

Round 4 - If pool is getting low, minion tap Anson and do a 5th 
Tradition.  Otherwise, 1-4 Betrayers on your preyıs vamp. Your prey is now 
losing 3-9 pool per turn. Course, they can pay 3-9 not to lose them next 
turn ..... Maybe start thinking about the next vamp you need to recruit 
..... hehehe ...... 
Oh dear, just as I was getting into it, it's the end of another month. 

Sigh. If you've enjoyed reading any of this you can post me a little card 
to tell me about it. Anson, Rudolpho or Carlotta, please; the address is 

James McClellan 
xxxxxxxxxx  Avenue 
Portsmouth xxxxxxx
United kingdom 

Please sign the card, and I will think of you when I play it from the 
Betrayer Deck which I now fully intend to construct and use! See y'all 
next month!