Gangrel Antitribu Happy Families deck

Happy Families is a deck-constructing formula that aims to build a
flexible playable deck around a given selection of vampires. Usually
these will all be vampires of one clan. Basically you choose the vamps
you want to play with, and the library size you want to use, and then
you determine the cards in the library as follows:

20% or so should be master cards

The remaining 80% or so should be minion cards, divided up with respect
to discipline in the following way:

Count the number of vampires in your crypt: Call this number p.
Count the number of vampires with the most common discipline in your
deck: call this number q.
Count the number of vampires with the second most common discipline in
your deck: call this number r.
Count the number of vampires with the third most common discipline in
your deck: call this number s.
Count the number of vampires with the fourth most common discipline in
your deck: call this number t.

Now if 80% of your chosen library size is a, then you want

[(p/[p+q+r+s+t]) x a] cards that require no discipline to play
[(q/[p+q+r+s+t]) x a] cards that require the most common discipline to play
[(r/[p+q+r+s+t]) x a] cards that require the second most common discipline to play
[(s/[p+q+r+s+t]) x a] cards that require the third most common discipline to play
[(t/[p+q+r+s+t]) x a] cards that require the fourth most common discipline to play

Of course this is not a totally formulaic method: you can have more or
fewer disciplines, and you probably are going to favour particular cards
within a discipline at the expense of others, depending on how you
visualise the clan, how you like to play, and what cards you actually
have. Additionally, a lot of the art of Happy Families comes from
choosing what master and non-discipline cards to pick. Basically you
have a choice of making these cards strengthen whatever your vamps
already do well, or else trying to compensate for whatever they do
badly. Personally I tend to go for the latter, but I'm far from sure
that's strategically right - it's the old question of focus versus
flexibility. Nevertheless this method REALLY WORKS, creating fun decks
that are ideal for teaching, that actually work OK at playgroup level
and even, sometimes, do surprising and thought-provoking things [Blood
Brother Ambush playing Burning Wrath is one that springs to mind].

Currently we at Legbiter Mansions are playing with 12 Happy Families
decks and others have been made for Andrew Sparkes' playgroup at Safeway
head Office. Here is the Gangrel antitribu HF deck which, having six
disciplines instead of the usual 4, generally bombs, but tonight stormed
to a sweep in a five-player at Louisa's house.

CRYPT [12 Vamps]

Shane Grimald

LIBRARY [70 cards - usually we play threesomes at home]

Twisted Forest
Blood Doll x 2
Pentex Loves You!
City gangrel Connections
Haven Uncovered
Gangrel Conspiracy
Minion Tap

Saturday Night Special
Black Spiral Buddy
Computer hacking x 2
Wake With Evening's Freshness x 2
Bum's Rush
Gas Powered chainsaw
Laptop Computer
Shadow Court Satyr
Sengir Dagger
Leather jacket

Govern the Unaligned
Grave Robbing

Claws of the Dead x 2
Shadow of the Beast
Bone Spur x 2
Wolf Claws x 2
Earth Control x 2
Rapid Change

Carrion Crows x 2
Murder of Crows
Cat's Guidance x 2
Army of Rats
Rat's Warning x 2
Guard Dogs x 2
Raven Spy

Skin of Rock x 3
Superior Mettle
Restoration x 2
Hidden Strength

Spirit's Touch
My Enemy's Enemy
Aura Reading

Cloak the Gathering
Faceless Night
Swallowed by the Night
Lost in Crowds
Spying Mission

Now i know this looks like a pile of shit and often it plays that way
too: it's also most definitely the weakest of the HF decks. But
sometimes, like tonight, it REALLY kicks against quite competitive
opposition. A key play is often Caitlin doing a bit of graverobbing. The
difficulty of course is the enormous diversity of !Gangrel disciplines
[there are actually two mini-bloodlines, the city and country gangrel],
and yet this is also the source of the deck's flexibility and fun-play
factor. i am always happy when i beat John Eagles but to do so with this
deck, tonight, was absolutely tip-top fun, MUCH better than having
afternoon sex with a gorgeous 21-year old blonde. Actually no, that was
a slight exaggeration, but it WAS a good game. Happy Families decks can
be evolved, too, and for that idea see one of the earliest !Gangrel
newsletters of all, maybe July 98.